
BCA Ballot – Appeal to Vote

All BCA Members can vote electronically on the proposals discussed at the AGM.

Dear BCA Members,

Yesterday, the BCA held its first Virtual AGM, which seemed to pass with reasonable success. This is largely due to the very hard work undertaken by the BCA IT working Group that should be given great praise for this achievement. The AGM also had a live stream to the BCA Facebook page, which can now be viewed by people who were unable to attend.

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Watch the livestream recording…

During the AGM, the Candidates for positions available on BCA Council presented their manifesto, with questions by participating members. The proposals (a number having been withdrawn) were also discussed. An electronic ballot is now underway, where BCA members should have received an email with instructions how to participate.

If you have not received your voting email please contact .

I would like to encourage all BCA members to take the time and trouble to vote on the candidates and proposals, as this is your association and only by member engagement can the BCA council undertake the wishes of its membership.

Elections and Proposals

If you are unaware of the candidates or the proposals please look at the following links where you might find out some more information to help you make your decisions.

At the AGM, now available to watch above, candidates standing for election took part in “hustings”; giving a short 1 minute campaign speech before answering questions from the floor [at 15:48].

The proposals were debated on a podcast ahead of the AGM, and then discussed again during the meeting [at 56:08]. Many of these proposals are changes to the constitution; linked to here for your convenience.

Please take the time to vote, as your views are important to the BCA

Many thanks,

Phil Rowsell
Acting BCA Chair

5 replies on “BCA Ballot – Appeal to Vote”

I noticed that BCA want to change it mission statement to speak for cavers in the UK. I would like to point out that GB is not the UK and that cavers on the island of Ireland are represented by SUI. I am sure it just a typo, but it is a significant error.

They can be and are represented by both? Administration is another matter certainly but representation of cavers in NI on the national level of UK politics is an additive benefit. If this is of concern please address a letter to the chairman to clarify the situation.

Many thanks for taking the trouble to try to help people understand what is going on, to listen to the discussions and be encouraged to vote. IMHO this is what democracy looks like!

Hi David,

We have thousands of members for whom we have an email address that we could send the Ballot IDs to. When we sent out the Ballot ID emails we recorded a bounce rate of about 3%. For the vast majority of these the member has changed their email address but the BCA hasn’t been informed. For a few of these their email address was entered incorrectly in the membership database (such as using [at] instead of @), and for a handful of members we believe that their email provider blocked the email because it considered it suspicious that the BCA sent out so many emails simultaneously.

All those who have contacted the returning officer have been offered a solution, and we have had only 2 reports of people unable to contact the returning officer, who we have now reached out to directly.

Addendum: The vast majority of those who have contacted the returning officer have found their Ballot ID in their “Spam” or “Promotions” folders.

All the best,
Ari (IT Group Convenor)

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