The Constitution and Operations Group, a Working Group of the BCA, was set up by BCA Council to look at the management of the BCA and to propose constitutional changes. It also has a role in proposing changes to the Manual of Operations. The group has been left as dormant by the BCA Council.
Any BCA members wishing to become involved in the group are welcome to contact the Convenor at the email address above.
Group documents
15/04/21 Minutes
13/05/21 Minutes
10/06/21 Minutes
08/07/21 Minutes
09/05/22 Minutes
04/07/22 Minutes
Report to BCA Council written 16/05/21
Report to BCA Council written 08/07/21
BCA 2021 AGM
AGM proposals from the COG group
Other working documents
Section 10.1 Consultation Document
Section 10.1 Final consultation report
Complaints Feedback Summary
Complaints Procedure [DRAFT]
Complaints Panel [DRAFT]