The BCA is the UK’s national body for underground exploration.
Your membership money goes towards funding conservation, education, access, training workshops, anchor installation, the British Caving Library (a library, archive and key resource), publications on matters that affect caving, international expeditions, plus numerous other activities which benefit cavers nationally.
Almost all cavers will benefit from work funded by BCA from your membership money, both directly and via the Regional Councils, as well as via our recent efforts to support student and youth caving. Your money goes back into the sport, as well as covering the cost of the public liability insurance which we provide to all full members as a membership benefit.
Types of Membership
There are two main categories of membership; Individual and Group membership. If you are an individual caver (or a couple) then you’re looking for an individual membership. If you are acting on behalf of a Club, and Access-Controlling Body, or an Associate Organisation then you’re looking for a group membership.