News from The BCA

Check out what we've been up to recently at the BCA. If you have something that you'd like to share with the membership then please get in touch.

AGM News

Ballot Results

The results are in from the online ballot following the AGM. Errata: when this post was initially published Motion 2C was listed as having passed. In fact, having achieved <70% of the vote, it has not been passed. The full breakdown of the votes is available here. Thank you to all those who stood for […]


EuroSpeleo Protection Symposium

Due to Covid restrictions, the 6th EuroSpeleo Protection Symposium “Assessing, monitoring and protecting cave biotopes and geotopes through Natura 2000 or similar programs in Europe” will take place as a hybrid event from 26.10.2021 – 30.10.2021. A number of participants have to participate via online as we are not allowed to gather all registered participants […]

AGM News

2021 AGM Details

You can now find all the proposals, candidates, podcasts, contact details, as well as how to sign up to attend the AGM and how to vote on one page (you can also access it via News > Events > AGM 2021). You can only vote after the AGM finishes. There’s a podcast discussing the current […]


Membership fee rise from 01/01/2022

The BCA executive have released the following statement to accompany the news that the membership fee is due to rise from the first of January next year. For the last 2 years BCA has been spending more than it’s been raising in income and reducing its reserves. The increase in the membership fee is looking […]


AGM Agenda

The agenda for the 2021 AGM can be found here and the draft minutes for the previous (2020) AGM are finally available here. Note that changes include an additional proposal to change the BCA anchor policy which was not listed previously. The remaining timeline is as follows: Sunday 3rd October – Deadline for reports being made […]


AGM Update

The proposals going ahead to the eAGM on Sunday the 10th of October 2021 have been submitted and can be found here. We have had five candidates apply for four positions:– Rostam Namaghi and Russell Myers both running for Chairman– Allan Richardson running for Secretary– Josh White running for Group Member Representative– Steve Gray running for […]

News Podcasts

Coming back to Caving Podcast

As part of P&I’s effort to follow the BCA’s Covid Recovery Plan, I (Rostam Namaghi) am joined by seasoned veterans of the sport Elaine Oliver, Hannah Bennett and Gethin Thomas for a lighthearted discussion about past experiences of coming back to caving and what might be worth having a think about. You can find it […]


End Sewage Pollution Bill

Phillip Dunne MP is introducing the Sewage (Inland Waters) Bill soon, which is designed to pressure water companies to do more to reduce the amounts of sewage they discharge into rivers during combined sewer overflows. This has affected some caves such as Wet Sink/Slaughter Stream cave and is bad for the conservation of our caves, […]


Covid Update

Covid Roadmap Update 25th June 2021 The Government has reviewed its plan, Covid-19 Response Spring 2021 – the Roadmap out of Lockdown, about the way out of the current lockdown situation. Due to the current rise in case rates the plan has been revised and the implementation date for the fourth step which would have […]