News from The BCA

Check out what we've been up to recently at the BCA. If you have something that you'd like to share with the membership then please get in touch.


Update on the CRoW Judicial Review.

After a remote hearing at Cardiff High Court on 13 October, we wereagain refused permission to bring a judicial review of the decision bythe Steering Group set up the Welsh Government (WG) to refuse membership of its Access Reform Advisory Group (ARAG) to Stuart France of the CCC on the ground that caving is not […]


CRoW Judicial Review to be Appealed

After careful consultation with the CRoW Convenor and the Lawyers involved in supporting the action, the BCA Exec unanimously agreed with their recommendation to proceed to lodge an “Appellant’s Notice” in the Court of Appeal. For more information about the context of this decision you can read the press release announcing the result of the Judicial Review, […]


CRoW Update: Representations to Welsh Government

Following our partial victory in the BCA judicial review, our representations on CRoW access have now been lodged with the Welsh government, NRW and Defra. They make a broad case as to why caving should be treated with the same “equity” as other activities and should be recognised as coming within the right to roam […]


The Rescue

A message from the BCA Chair about the National Geographic documentary film about the Thai cave rescue. For anyone who has not seen the “The Rescue”, I can highly recommend it even though we know the outcome, the inside story the film reveals, is an inspiration in itself and created some goose bump moments when […]

News Y&D

New to Caving?

So you’re New to Caving? Congratulations! Your spirit of adventure is strong and you can look forward to your first adventures underground… If you’re interested in Caving, and would like to learn more or give it a try, then why not check out The BCA runs as a resource for new cavers and […]

AGM News

Ballot Results

The results are in from the online ballot following the AGM. Errata: when this post was initially published Motion 2C was listed as having passed. In fact, having achieved <70% of the vote, it has not been passed. The full breakdown of the votes is available here. Thank you to all those who stood for […]