News from The BCA

Check out what we've been up to recently at the BCA. If you have something that you'd like to share with the membership then please get in touch.


CRoW Case Update

Great news: the BCA has won its appeal against the refusal of the High Court to grant permission for us to bring a Judicial Review of the Welsh Government’s decision to exclude caving from its Access Reform Group – on the grounds that caving is not covered by the provisions of the CRoW Act 2000. […]

News Y&D

Reporting from Congress

Earlier this year the BCA granted two groups of keen young people some funds to go to the International Congress of Speleology in France. Both these groups have provided their accounts of the week, describing how such a small provision from the BCA has managed to benefit their clubs and them as individuals. If you […]


Financial support for Expeditions

A reminder about upcoming deadlines to apply for financial support for caving expeditions from the Ghar Parau and Mount Everest foundations. Please note the following deadlines for applications for 2022 Autumn expeditions: Ghar Parau Foundation: 14th September 2022Mount Everest Foundation: 30th September 2022 The MEF has awarded over £120,000 so far in 2022 for exploratory […]

AGM News

Ballot Results – 2022 AGM

Summary: Andrew Eavis is elected as an Individual Member Representative, and the motion passes thereby reducing the number of Member Representatives on council. The full results of the Online Ballot following the 2022 Annual General Meeting are in! A total of 393 ballots were returned using the online voting platform. Elections For election of the […]

AGM News

Online Ballot

The Online Ballot of all members following the 2022 AGM runs between 23:59 on Sunday 12th June and 23:59 on Sunday 26th June. Members should receive an email instructing them on how to submit their votes. Summary There is one motion and one election on the ballot this year. BCA Council is the elected body […]

AGM News

2022 AGM – Agenda

The Annual General Meeting this year is coming up (Sunday 12th June, 10:30am on Zoom), and the deadline for proposals and nominations in has now passed, so the Agenda has been finalised. The AGM will be held Zoom with electronic voting to follow, and all BCA members are entitled to attend and vote. The AGM […]

News Y&D

GPF Ian Timney Award

Ian Timney was a keen caver and member of the Wessex Cave Club, with whom he did a number of sporting caving trips abroad including the Gouffre Berger. Following his untimely early demise his caving friends held fund arising events in 2021 and then donated £1,500 to the Ghar Parau Foundation to distribute in his name. […]


FSE scholarships to 18th International Congress of Speleology

The European Speleological Federation FSE grants five scholarships to young speleologists for attending the 18th International Congress of Speleology ICS in Le-Bourget-du-Lac, Savoie, France (see ). The requirements are: a) Applicants must be affiliated to an organisation being member of FSE or a karst research institute in Europe.b) Applicants must be 26 years of […]


Statement on Russian invasion of Ukraine

BCA (in conjunction with BCRA) absolutely deplores the aggressive invasion of Ukraine by Russia and the subsequent war which was entirely fabricated by the Russians without justification. In a civilized society, war has no place in resolving disputes and we stand shoulder to shoulder with the Ukrainian people and in particular their caving community in […]