New BCA membership is up and running, to help you get down and caving!
The British Caving Association is pleased to announce that BCA and BCRA membership have joined the BCA training scheme on their online membership system – provided by JustGo.

What you need to know:
Why is the BCA and BCRA changing the membership system?
We are moving to unify British Caving by having membership of BCA, BCRA and the BCA LCMLA and CIC training schemes all available in one place. The new system will also provide benefits – for example individual members will be able to join by annual subscription. The new system is also more user friendly. Cavers, whether they joined individually or via a club, will be able to update their own details, should they move house, or change email address.
Where to find the new membership system:
How to log-in: If you are a 2024 BCA member you already have an account set-up on the system. Go to the page above and under ‘log in’ type in your email address. Then click ‘forgot password’. This will trigger an email that will allow you to set a password and access your account.
If you already use the BCA Membership and Qualifications Management System for the LCMLA and CIC training side there is no need to reset your password – but please do log-in and check your details are all correct!
If you are new to the BCA, or a returning member from 2023 or earlier please use the ‘sign up’ button to join!
What if I don’t get the password reset email?
Please check your spam folder and make sure it hasn’t gone there.
There are several reasons why you might not receive an email after clicking ‘forgot password’ – for example you may have used a different email address to join BCA, or your club might not have passed your email address on to BCA. If you don’t receive an email please contact me on and I can reset your username.
Once logged in
Please have a look around and check your details are correct.
The profile page will give your personal details, such as address and email address. Please note: BCA membership has previously not insisted on gender details, or date of birth. Therefore these details may be incorrect or absent. You can correct your details by clicking ‘update details’
The Member Details page is currently only used by the LCMLA and CIC training schemes.
In Membership you can check your BCA (and BCRA) membership are listed correctly. If you are new to BCA, or a returning member, you can select your membership type here. Then take it to your cart to pay. You can choose to pay as a one-off payment, or subscribe annually to save the hassle at renewal time!
Under My Clubs you can see which clubs already list you as a member, and search for other clubs that you may wish to request to join.
What do I do if anything is wrong that I can’t edit?
If you notice anything is incorrect, for example if you are listed a non-caving member instead of a caving member, or a club is listed that you are not a member of, that you can’t personally edit first of all DON’T PANIC. For the remainder of 2024 BCA will use the old system as well at the new system to check and verify any memberships. Please email me let me know and I’ll update your records –
Do I need to log-in?
BCA are keen to encourage our members to log in and check their details, however you don’t have to. You will still be a BCA member.
Individual members of BCA and BCRA will need to use the new system to renew their membership at the end of the year, but you will be reminded by email and will be able to log-in then.
If you are a member via a club your club administrator will be able to update your details as necessary and renew your membership at the end of the year.
Where can I find my membership card(s)?
Whenyou purchase, or your club purchases, a new 2024 membership or renews for 2025 a membership card will automatically be sent by email. However membership cards are also available all year in your account. Click on ‘Membership’ and select the membership type (BCA or BCRA) then click the green download icon (see red circle below!) your membership card will download to your device as a PDF.

Why do I have a new membership number?
The old records were full of duplicated membership numbers that caused confusion! With the move to the new system we have joined the membership number system already used by the BCA training scheme (if you were already a member of that your number should stay the same).
If you are attached to your old membership number you will have the opportunity to enter it when you renew your membership and have it on your membership card.
How can I add BCRA Membership?
If you are already a 2024 BCA member, either via a club or as an individual, it is very easy to add BCRA membership! Click on the ‘Membership’ tab and then click BCRA membership – choose your options and take it to your cart to pay!
Club administrators: You should have already received an email explaining how the new system will work for clubs. If you haven’t please contact me. You have already been set up as a club administrator on the new system and will see information other club members cannot, such as the list of club members.
If you have any questions or issues please feel free to contact me on
Please note: I only work for the BCA part-time so may not reply immediately.
Katie – BCA Membership Administrator